The teaching is popular on all five continents.
Reiki teaching
From Japanese, reiki is translated as Rei – soul and Ki – energy. First of all, this is a direction of alternative medicine, in which, with the help of manipulations with hands, a person is healed from diseases of the soul and body.
Accurate statistics are not available.
The date of foundation of the doctrine is considered to be 1922. It was then that the Reiki method was created on the basis of ancient Taoist energy practices and the traditions of oriental medicine. Reiki was approved in 1929.
Very often, reiki training is told about in western TV shows and news, the teaching is extremely popular on social networks, including Instagram and Youtube.
A brief history
The idea that human hands are a conductor of vital energy and a tool for healing the human body and aura is far from new. Elements of this idea can be found in ancient Oriental practices, including Shinto and Buddhism. The teaching of Reiki was spread in stages, first in Japan, then popularized in the USA, Europe and Russia.
The essence of the teaching
A person’s illnesses result from disturbances in the work of their astral body. Within the framework of the reiki system, work is done by touching the hands to the body (to the chakras or places where the aural body of a person is in a damaged or deformed state). The reiki system implies the use of the energy of the surrounding world, and not the healer himself. To work with it, a person must pass 3 stages of initiation. Moreover, only the first one can be considered “mandatory”, while after the 3rd one, adept is allowed to carry out their own initiations in the first and second.
The teaching itself is based on an optimistic approach to life, respect for your personal space and the space of other people. The reiki system involves harmonizing oneself through tactility and communication.
The Commandments
The Reiki doctrine offers a system of principles that provide for achieving harmony with oneself and the material world:
- Don’t get angry
- Don’t worry
- Show gratitude
- Work hard
- Show kindness to others
Daily reiki practice includes the following practices:
Waking up every morning, you need to join your hands in the gasho position and pronounce the 5 principles of Reiki. The main goal is to set yourself up for a positive state of being and strengthen internal motivation for self-improvement.
Gasho Meditation
We connect both palms together in front of the chest, after which we make a bow. At the moment of meditation, it is worth thinking about openness to the world, a childish greeting towards it. This is a setup for good work during the day.
Reiki Rioho Practice
Entrusting yourself into the energy field of the energy of the universe, which carries out the healing of your body and spirit.
21-day self-healing practice
It is aimed at restoring your thin body with the help of 12 basic hand positions. It is based on a similar training of the founding father, who was engaged in self-purification during this period of time.
Practice “Study yourself”
During the practice of reiki, you can reflect and analyze your life, individual life events. Positive and negative memories can rush in and overwhelm you. All this is just an emotional wave, because the buffers that held it back collapsed during the practice of reiki and now you have to get rid of the negativity.
The creator of the Reiki system is a Japanese buddhist Mikao Usui. As a boy, he began studying at a Buddhist monastery, where the foundation of his interest in healing practices was laid.
He always wondered how the Buddha and his first disciples healed physical ailments and why this art was lost. From the age of 12, Mikao Usui seriously practiced martial arts and at about the age of 25 reached the highest level of Manke Kaiden. Continuing his training, according to samurai traditions, Mikao Usui reached the highest ranks in a number of other ancient Japanese fighting styles. Later on, he had a family and children, but this did not prevent him from retiring to the temple on the sacred Kurama mountain near the “point of power”. In his attempts to reach the satori state, he found unity with the universe and discovered the path of reiki itself.
Modern representatives
Hawayo Takate is Mikao’s disciple who brought Reiki’s teachings to the west and was able to adapt this direction to the mentality of western culture.
From the list of modern celebrities studying the reiki system, we note the following adherents of the doctrine: Nicole Kidman, Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie, Uma Thurman, Melanie B, Goldie Hawn, Sharon Stone, etc.
Even the most ardent critics of the reiki teaching cannot see anything negative in it, in the very least recognizing the placebo effect, which is entirely based on the faith of the people themselves.