About 1800 years ago in China during the reign of Wu dynasty.
Bazi is an ancient Chinese method of predicting and analyzing the fate of a person.
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Originated in China. Nowadays it is widespread everywhere.
A breaf history
Bazi, as a system of predictions originated in ancient China in the era of the Three Kingdoms of the Wu Dynasty. China was fragmented, the issue of the survival of the state was acute. Such periods are usually characterised by increased interest in everything metaphysical, especially fortune-telling. The oldest Chinese Yijing prediction system has a random basis. We needed a reliable system based on accurate and stable data. And what could be more stable than a person’s date of birth?
And there was such a forecast system as Bazi. A system for translating a person’s date of birth into eight hieroglyphs predicting his fate.
The fundamental work on the Bazi system was the treatise “Tzu Ping Ren Chuan”. The author was Chen Chao Jang. Initially, it was the author’s personal manuscript, consisting of 39 chapters, and only much later this work and method became widespread among the Chinese elite, since the author belonged to it, he was a famous scientist and official.
Later, a circle of Bazi enthusiasts was formed, from the most educated people of that time, who were able to appreciate the full depth and power of the method. Here is what one of such enthusiasts Hu kung Fu, the first publisher of this work, wrote: “Bazi or the four pillars of fate is a deep Chinese art that allows you to immerse yourself in the Great mystery of life.”
Bazi is not just a system of predicting fate, as the author’s contemporaries wrote about it, but also deep scientific knowledge, so it spread gradually. At first, in the first 10 years after the publication of the fundamental work, it was distributed among the social and scientific circles of China, until it gained wider popularity.
The fundamental work has gone through more than 10 editions and originally consisting of 39 chapters has been expanded to 54.
“To study the art of Bazi, one must be a person of deep desire to get in touch ith sacred knowledge in order to understand the structures and forms and decipher the intricacy of the dynamics of Bazi,” wrote the first publisher of works on Bazi Hu Kung Fu in 1768 after a business trip where he first met the author of works on Bazi and was shocked by the depth and power of this system.
Biography of the creator
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Modern leaders
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Holy places
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