“I used to be an atheist, but deep in my subconsciousness there was a needling thought that, probably, I’m still missing something. I dug hard in that direction…

I found my formula of God and promised myself to help other people with this. This project is the first step in realizing of this goal”


I came to the book “The Formula of God” as a result of a very long personal search for God.

I was wondering:

– Is there a God, an extraterrestrial intelligence or omnipotent forces that influence our actions or events?

– What’s the possibility for us to get any feedback? To what extent can we be embedded in the divine flow, if there is one?

– How can a correct understanding of God or gods help people around us?

I decided to understand the theological mosaic of the world.


Alexander Pluschenko

At the age of 21, became the youngest chairman of the bank’s management board in Russia (read more?).

The owner and author of the International platform for Spiritual knowledge and Development “Formula of God”.

• Financier

• Entrepreneur

• Creator of the “Museum of Money” muzeydeneg.ru

• Author of the book “Formula of God”

• Author of unique startups

• Athlete